

  • I'm basically setting this up for Alfred to take over. Start it off playing as Aethelred or w/e his name is, marry a chaste woman with high stewardship (so I can keep the duchy of Kent and Wessex), and parcel out the rest of the counties that are over my demesne limit. Recently decided to try and...
    # That being said, this can be customized. # Inline comments can be harmful because they prevent users # from using the delimiting characters as parts of values. key = value spaces in keys = allowed spaces in values = allowed as well spaces around the delimiter = obviously you can also use : to...
    December 24, 2023
    In the expansion, each Ruler will only begin appearing on missions after they have first been encountered during an assault on an Avatar Project facility. In XCOM 2: War of the Chosen, the Rulers' behaviors were altered to make them more manageable to deal with.They can perform one action after...
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